Kevin Odhiambo

Finance Assistant
$225 / month
May 12, 2000

About Candidate



Bachelor in Economics. 2018-2022
Mount Kenya University

Graduated with second class honors, upper division.

Work & Experience

Finance Assistant March 2022 - To date
Odhasons Limited

1. Preparing worker's monthly contributory list and filing KRA tax returns. 2. In charge of receiving, registering, inducting and training new employees into the firm. 3. Preparing invoices, cheques and deliveries of the firm. 4. Preparing employees' daily wages sheet and keeping a record of the same at the end of every week. 5. Preparing employees' final wages sheet and paying them at the end of every week. 6. To ensure new employees sign and agree to the terms of the job contract before they could be assigned duties. 7. Preparing and editing financial documents accordingly. 8. Monitoring the supply of materials in the office including stationery and replenishing them from time to time as required.

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